AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION! We are all now well versed in what to expect at gala & charity auctions....but have you ever been to a Diverseworks gala? Expect the unexpected, and dress to impress! Our auction in the past has proved to stand up to the same wacky expectations as our gala and our outstanding guests. We've had trips to Marfa, a smart car for a day, Reverend Butter Ice Sculptures, sports memorabilia, and "Star Dates" with ballerinas, ball players, and politicians! This year look for the daring, bid on a tattoo sitting, or the not so daring, a Henna artist sitting. Go green with David Morello's 2 hour design time, 2 45-gallon live oak trees, and planting included! Take a trip out of town with 3 of your buds, to Bay Flats Lodge, with 2 guided fishing trips. Don't forget the best part of the auction is the ART itself. Add to your own personal art galleries and bid on the outstanding art donated to us by local and international artists. This is just a small mention of what you will find in our auction. The best part is all of what you bid goes to Diverseworks and it's amazing artists they support! So put on your party dress, practice your curtsy, grab your saved stash of cash and GET YOUR BID ON!
Sarah Walters
Auction Chair
Debutantes Run Wild! Gala
(Above pic of Sarah Walters at last year's FireSale Gala!)
Sarah, thought you might be interested in Morton Kuehnert Auctioneers Thursday, May 12, gown auction. We're auctioning 120 brand new gowns at rock bottom prices tailor made for brides, debutantes and quinces. We will have a fun reception from 5 pm to 7pm on Thursday with champagne, chocolate covered strawberries, door prizes and Helen Perry, Houston's image consultant, assisting with selections and try-ons followed by the auction which is open to the public. We're located at 4901 Richmond at Loop 610. We will have valet parking! See the gowns here: http://auction.mortonkuehnert.com/asp/searchresults.asp?pg=1&ps=25&st=D&sale_no=402+++. If you have any questions, email me, Marlene Weyand, PR Director at Morton Kuehnert, at mweyand@mortonkuehnert.com Thank you!
7 pm, Thursday, May 12 Gown Auction
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